Blíži sa piaty rok na Rokfortskej strednej čarodejníckej škole a pätnásťročný Harry Potter sa ocitá v plnom rozkvete puberty. Samozrejme, so všetkým, čo k tomu patrí...! K tomu sa pridá ďalšie neznesiteľné a nudné leto s Dursleyovcami, navyše mu veľmi chýbajú jeho nemuklovskí priatelia zo školy. Harry je veľmi, veľmi podráždený, lebo nevie, čo sa deje v čarodejníckom svete. A Lord Voldemort sa po rokoch vracia, aby opäť zaútočil! Návrat na Rokfort bude pre Harryho doslova vyslobodením. Ale naozaj?
Most critics and readers agree that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix marks a turning point in J.K. Rowling's enormously popular series in that the story takes on a more mature, darker tone. Now 15 years old, Harry faces the downside of being the world's most famous wizard-in-training and must adjust to changes in his relationships with friends and mentors. He also learns something quite disconcerting about his deceased parents and begins to realize how his personal demons make him vulnerable to the evil Lord Voldemort. Further complications arise when Harry grows disillusioned with the government of the magical realm and begins to question the power of the authorities at Hogwarts. A film version was made in 2007, releasing just days below the final book in the series.